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SI Ping

SI Ping è uno strumento, completamente gratuito, che permette di avere una resa visuale dell'esecuzione del file ping.exe.
Le operazioni di ping consentono di verificare la raggiungibilità di un server remoto attraverso un'interrogazione effettuata tramite linea di comando, questa funzione in genere restituisce una serie di informazioni che possono essere lette con difficoltà utilizzando lo scarno prompt di Dos.
SI Ping consente invece di consultare i record dei ping in report ben formattati e leggibili.

Maggiori informazioni del produttore:
Test communication with remote computer and check its online status over the Internet with free and visual Ping tool for Windows.

What did your mom do when you got sick being a kid? Most probably the first thing she did was giving you a thermometer to check your body heat. If you are trying to access a remote computer and are not getting a response, chances are that computer is not functioning properly. In other words, it might be sick. But how would you give a thermometer to that PC?

There is a free tool called ping.exe that comes with most versions of Windows. You can use this tool to poke the remote PC and check its response. To use ping.exe, you would typically invoke a command line, which would open a black console window, and type ping.exe followed with IP address of the computer you want to check. Usually you would get a response right in the console window in a matter of seconds. You would judge - or, rather, guess, - the remote computer's health by the cryptic numbers printed as decimal integers. If the remote computer is not available, or if the network is not available, or if some link or a piece of hardware in between you and the remote PC has failed, you'll get nothing. It is up to you to guess what and where have failed.

SI Ping, on the other hand, gives clearly legible and well formatted output by providing easy to understand and well explained numbers. It displays all the vital information, such as time to access the remote computer, in milliseconds, and allows you to ping more than one computer by simply selecting their address from a combo box. Thanks to its user-friendly, convenient user interface, SI Ping is much more convenient to use than the Windows ping.exe.

SoftInstitute releases well-designed, simple to use products that help computer users solve one particular problem. Our products are free, and typically perform just one task, such as ping, trace route, or lookup, but do it in a convenient manner.

Windows Nome: SI Ping
Licenza: Freeware
Versione: 1.0
Dimensione: 290 Kb
Produttore: Pingram Software » Tutti i software pubblicati
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