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Fireworks on Capitol - Animated Wallpaper

Fireworks on Capitol è un wallpaper animato che mostra spettacolari fuochi artificiali che esplodono nei cieli sullo sfondo della USA Capitol durante i festeggiamenti per il giorno dell'indipendenza americana.

Maggiori informazioni del produttore:
“Fireworks on Capitol” is an Animated Wallpaper by EleFun Multimedia devoted to the Independence Day of USA. USA Capitol is one of the most recognizable architectural structures in the world. During the day time it dazzles with its whiteness and architectural forms, and at night, when it is illuminated with dozens of spotlights, it reminds a fabulous palace with a huge dome of the main hall. Install Animated Wallpaper “Fireworks on Capitol” and enjoy this magnificent sight.

Windows Nome: Fireworks on Capitol Animated Wallpaper
Licenza: Shareware
Versione: 5.07
Dimensione: 8.024 Kb
Produttore: EleFun Desktops » Tutti i software pubblicati
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