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As Simple As Photoshop

Un corso che mette a disposizione un metodo originale e veloce di immersione totale nel programma di grafica e fotoritocco Photoshop. Il corso è formato da 104 filmati della durata totale di 3 ore che permetteranno di risparmiare tempo saltando dettagli non utili nell'immediato.
I tutorial sono stati realizzati per Photoshop CS3 ma sono compatibili al 90% con le vecchie versioni del programma.

Maggiori informazioni del produttore:
This course offers you an original method of a quick but total immersion into the Photoshop environment. Perhaps you have heard some people saying that this program is very complex. This is partially true; learning all of Photoshop may take you years. The ASAP (stands for As Simple As Photoshop) offers you a faster way. It tells only the things you have to know at the moment, skipping the details, as you have lots of time to learn those when (and if) you need them.

Another speed-up secret is illustrations. The course is packed with 104 movie clips (total running time: 3 hours). So, you needn't choose between a Photoshop book and a Photoshop video any more. ASAP is more than just a book and smarter than just a video. It takes you by the hand and shows you around Photoshop, allowing you to combine all the possible learning methods. Just read it, watch it, listen to it and follow it. The tutorials are composed for Photoshop CS3 (90% compatible with the older versions).

Windows Nome: As Simple As Photoshop
Licenza: Shareware
Versione: 6.1
Dimensione: 7.220 Kb
Produttore: Andrei Doubrovski » Tutti i software pubblicati
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