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MIDI to WAV Renderer

MIDI to WAV Renderer è un programma che permette di operare conversioni tra formati audio evitando di registrare anche i rumori esterni. Il software supporta i formati MIDI e la loro conversione in WAV ed MP3 eliminando tutti i rumori di fondo.
MIDI to WAV Renderer consente di convertire singoli brani o sequenze di tracce in batch, è supportato da tutti i sistemi Windows a partire dalla versione 98 e necessita delle DirectX 8.1 o distribuzioni successive.

Maggiori informazioni del produttore:
MIDI to WAV Renderer enables fast and effective converting of files, avoiding foreign sounds. When you need to convert a MIDI file to WAV, MP3, the major problem you cannot avoid or get rid of is the foreign sounds that get in the output audio file. The foreign sounds are caused by the background music, effects or different noise being played through your computer's sound card, which the majority of audio converters use for converting audio files from one format to another. They play the original MIDI files through the sound card and record the analog signal to WAV files. Unlike the other MIDI to WAV converters, MIDI to WAV Renderer converts MIDI files to WAV and MP3 silently, 100% digitally, without playing the original sound during the process of converting and thus giving no chance to foreign sounds of any nature to get in the output audio file. If the sound card is not installed on your computer, MIDI to WAV Renderer uses the program’s MIDI-sequencer (built in Windows OS). MIDI 2 WAV Renderer can convert a single or a whole batch of MIDI files at once, which makes the program a handy tool for creating a compositions album. What is more, MIDI 2 WAV Renderer provides tools for adjusting the recording quality, volume, tempo and other sound settings. Using this smart and yet simple MIDI 2 WAV Renderer, you can convert your MIDI files to WAV purely, 100% digitally, with no foreign sound. Enjoy the pure sound and forget about the noise! Available for Windows 98 or higher. DirectX 8.1 or higher is required.

Windows Nome: MIDI to WAV Renderer
Licenza: Shareware
Versione: 1.7
Dimensione: 354 Kb
Produttore: Stochastic Lab » Tutti i software pubblicati
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