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Home + Giochi + Giochi Puzzle + Magic Pieces
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Magic Pieces

Magic Pieces is a game simulating an old but immortal puzzle toy. This toy is made of ten rectangle pieces and one enclosure with a
gap. All of the pieces are in the enclosure at first and can be moved horizontally. Your task is to move the biggest piece out of
the enclosure by the gap. It may appear fairly basic at first, but when your play a higher level, you'll find it is a real challenge to your brain. Some levels are so complicated that it may take you
several days to find out their solutions, but once you do work it out, you'll fully enjoy the proud feeling of accomplishment. If you can complete all levels, you are undoubtedly a genius!

Windows Nome: Magic Pieces
Licenza: Shareware
Versione: n/d
Dimensione: 1.434 Kb
Produttore: Guan » Tutti i software pubblicati
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