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All Sound Editor XP

All Sound Editor XP è un potente audio files editor, che vi consentirà di effettuare numerose operazione sui vostri files audio. Il software consente di applicare numerosi filtri ed effetti ai vostri files audio, di reperire numerose informazioni sui files musicali come Frequency Analysis, Statistics, and Spectral View features, format conversion, etc.

Tra le features principali del programma:

- Now fir filter worked
- Add ID3 editor
- Add open file menu list
- Add MPC, Aiff, AU format supported
- Small bugs fixed
- Open , create and save audio files.
- Display in a special window the waveform of an audio file.
- Play an audio file or any part of it.
- Record an audio file from a microphone or from other input device.
- Get or set recording parameters; Edit an audio file visually.
- Convert an audio file from one format to another.
- Insert and change described information about a marker.
- Insert and change described information about an audio file.
- Apply different effects and Apply different filters to the selected part of an audio file.

Windows Nome: All Sound Editor XP
Licenza: Shareware
Versione: n/d
Dimensione: 5.590 Kb
Produttore: MP3do Inc » Tutti i software pubblicati
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