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DiffMerge è un programma particolarmente indicato per i programmatori che permette di effettuare confronti e sincronizzazioni tra cartelle e di unire file eliminando ogni ridondanza.
In pratica con DiffMerge sarà possibile, tra le altre cose, confrontare i codici sorgenti di due diverse versioni di una stessa applicazione, individuare tutti i punti in comune ed eliminare le differenze creando un singolo output.
Il confronto viene effettuato byte per byte quindi le operazioni di scansione consentite sono molto precise.

Maggiori informazioni del produttore:
DiffMerge is an utility to compare and synchronize folders, compare and merge files. Take control of your source code, web pages and other files with DiffMerge. Use it to compare, understand and combine different file versions.

DiffMerge is highly useful for software developers, web designers and other professionals. The tight integration between folder and file comparisons make it easy to identify and review every change in every source file, even when comparing source hierarchies containing thousands of files.

Whether you are working with multiple revisions of files or need to keep multiple folder hierarchies in sync, DiffMerge could help save time and reduce errors by helping you to work quickly and accurately.

DiffMerge supports folder hierarchy comparison and synchronization, enabling you to compare and merge entire directory trees. This is ideal for detecting changes in different versions of source code or web pages.
You can even use the efficient byte-by-byte comparison option to check the integrity of recordable CDs.

DiffMerge enables you to compare and work with different revisions of text files, such as program source code, XML and HTML files. It supports ASCII, MBCS and Unicode. A color-coded side-by-side comparison makes it easy to pinpoint at a glance similarities and differences between files.
DiffMerge shows detailed highlights of changes within lines. It can be configured to ignore differences in whitespace, comments, line endings and character case, as well as changes in lines matching specified regular expressions. The latter is useful for ignoring unimportant changes such as timestamps or expanded version control keywords.
The in-place editor with unlimited undo enables complete control over the merged file as you create it.

You can create comparison reports in HTML format with support for syntax highlighting. HTML reports are particularly useful for archiving and distribution.

Windows Nome: DiffMerge
Licenza: Shareware
Versione: 1.0.8
Dimensione: 1.190 Kb
Produttore: Totato » Tutti i software pubblicati
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